Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dive Freshwater Caves in Florida

Brief fact about Florida freshwater Cave diving:
Florida's best is not in its saltwater but it is hidden in the northwestern corner of the state, which is riddled with freshwater springs that flow through mazes of limestone passageways. Many people ever witness the strange sights of these under water chambers fossils, sunlight beaming in from holes in the cave ceilings, and even ancient mastodon tusks because the only way to see it all is by donning a masks and flippers. As you can see the diver is deep down in the water and we can see the beauty of the water. We can see the formation of limestone and the force behind cave diving as well as the amount of water that is pouring everyday.

Eight rocks minerals of igneous

During spring break, each student was assigned to find eight rocks minerals and gave a brief description of the minerals as well as where these minerals were found. I found these eight rocks minerals on the road leading to the Intramural soccer field on Mercer University campus. I researched each rock mineral to get the correct identification of what I got from the field and from my understanding they are correct. It was a great experience to go on the field and search for minerals as student of a Geology class. The rocks minerals I collected and displayed above are: Playgiocalse feldspar, quartz, Limestone, Diorite, feldspar, andesite, Limestone, and playgioclase feldspar.   

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Backyard Garden project


It was great to go out last week Wednesday and see how people in America make a backyard garden. We walked a few blocks from regular LAB. down College Street to view a mini-garden being made by the community. The above Raised bed has some eggplants hanging on from summer, along with some lettuce, leeks, one lone red cabbage that is struggling to make a head, broccoli, and some peas starting up the new black trellises made by the gardener. As we can see that gardener let the eggplants to go a bit too long. The eggplants turned from glossy black to egg color which is ready for harvesting. 

The next Raised bed comprises of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and brussels sprouts, with some beets and lacinato kale left over from a previous planting by the gardener. Fall is the season people make gardens in America because of the weather.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Changing Elevation Distance Map

Rio Jacarel, Brazil Slope Line


Distance Elevation
5 2828
10 3298
15 3738
20 3169
25 2877
30 2535
35 2521
40 2599
45 6221
50 2579
Slope of Land In Rio Jacarel, Brazil

This is a Slope line of the city of Rio Jacarel in Brazil and it measures both the distance and elevation. As the graph indicates the level of points on the elevation are higher because each point line is not the same. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

deep sea- Deep Sea secret

The video begins with an introduction of hydro thermal vent which states that “in many areas of high volcanic activity, water seeps into the sub-surface where it is intensely heated and then finds way to the surface again”.
It is further stated in the video that “in the ocean, this circulation occurs most commonly at the mid-ocean ridge, the world’s longest mountain chain.” It is also stated that “here, far below the depth of sunlight penetration, hydro thermal vents at over 400c with their dissolved compounds provide the basic for complex ecosystems.
The video was divided into three main categories: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East China, and Bismarck Sea.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the deep sea horse mussels at a hydro-thermal vent water depth is 850m, also deep sea crab water depth is 850m. Hydro-thermal vent water depth is 860m and shrimp water depth is 855m.
East China Sea
The hydro thermal vent water depth is 1,480m and squat lobsters’ water depth is 1,500m. In this category, hydro-thermal vent water depth is also 1,500m.
Bismarck Sea
This category consists of white smoker water depth is 1,250m, shrimp at a hydro thermal vent water depth is 1,180 and squat lobsters water depth 1,220m. The black smoker water depth is 1,700-1,780m and shrimp at a black water depth is 1,720m.

The video closed with biotic community at a black smoker water depth is 1,720 and emission of liquid sulfur and bubbles water depth is 1,250m. There was lot of evaporation from the deep sea deep secret. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mineral Identification

 Olivine is actually a name for a series between two ends members, fayalite and forsterite. Fayalite is the iron rich member with a pure formula of Fe2SiO4. Forsterite is the magnesium rich member with a pure formula of Mg2SiO4. The two minerals form a series where the iron and magnesium are substituted for each other without much effect on the crystal structure. Fayalite due to its iron content has a higher index of infraction, is heavier and has a darker color than forsterite. Olivine has many names besides its mineral names, Fayalite and forsterite. It’s also known as ‘Chrysolite”, “evening emerald” and Peridot. This mineral interests me because of its industrial uses as well as its characteristics. This mineral has been viewed by students in class.

Graphite is a polymorph of the element carbon. Diamond is another polymorph. These two share the same Chemistry, carbon but have very different structures and very different properties.
Diamond is the hardest mineral known to man; Graphite is one of the softest.
Diamond is an excellent electrical insulator; Graphite is a good conductor of electricity.

Somewhat of a surprise is that at surface temperatures and pressures, Graphite is the stable from Carbon. This mineral interests me because of its many uses by human and its similarities with Diamond. We have talked about Graphite in class and been able to see it. It can be found in most countries and one of its uses is pencil.  In fact, all diamonds at or near the surface of the Earth are currently undergoing a transformation into Graphite.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Maps and Topographic of Georgia State

This is the Topographic map of Georgia State along with its water points which indicate the level of water fall. The elevation lines start from 0-2000 ft and each line that depicts the level of elevation on the map.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

LAB#2 Maps and Topographic

Choropleth Map
Title of map: Uninsured Population of Texas 
Chororpleth Map is a map that uses differences in shading, coloring, or the places of symbols within predefined areas to indicate values of property in those areas

Description of Map: This map depicts the number of uninsured people in the State of Texas county by county. The darker red indicates the number of counties that have the highest Uninsured population with specific reference to illegal immigrants.

Isarithmic Map: Map that represents data that have a “continuous distribution” and “smooth change in value”. It also represents continuous data by a range of continuous color/value or related classes of color.
Title of Map: Incidence of diarrhea in France, 1995
Description of Map: The outbreak of diarrhea in France in 1995 was the highest as the map indicates region by region. Those regions with high marks of red are areas that were affected by the outbreak. The more other areas take precautions, the more the drastic decline of the disease.

Title of Map: Spatial Concentrations and Outliers of Poverty, United States, 1999
Dot Density Map: Is a type of map that uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenon. 

Description of Map: This map indicates the high poverty concentrations of areas in the United States since 1999. There are ten different colors of each region that has poverty per region with spatial situation. Dark red areas have extreme high poverty rate and it has serious problem for the Federal and State governments.

Proportional Symbol Map: scale the size of simple symbols usually a circle or square proportionally to the data value found at that location.
Title of Map: US Lynchings 1882-1968
Description of Map: As we can see, the number of people killed by lynchings since 1882-1968 in the US is mainly concentrated in the South. The victims are mainly Whites as the map depicts to its readers. The numbers drastically decreased to one people perhaps when actions were taken by the federal government.